Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Covenant Series (Book 3)
5 starsDate Read
14/12/15-17/12/15Age Group
General Thoughts
A worthy sequel to a breathtaking series, Deity takes action and suspense to a whole new level!
"History is on repeat, and things didn't go so well last time"
After letting Seth get the spotlight in book two, Aiden ups his game and fights his way back to Alex's heart. Not that he ever left to begin with.
Covenant Series (Book 2)
4+ starsDate Read
30/11/15-13/12/15Age Group
General Thoughts
Even better than the first book, Jen really knows how to twist and and turn the plot, mix steamy romance, heart achingly forbidden love and action packed pages, make a kickass yet relatable, humane heroine out of a half blood Apollyon and create a novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until you turn the last page, and still stay with you long after that.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Covenant Series (Book 1)
Half blood
4+ starsDate Read
26/11/15-29/11/15Age Group
General Thoughts
Luxen has already proved how good Jennifer L Armentrout' s writing is and Half blood, her debut novel, is unique in it's own way and just as memorable. While still along the lines of chemical elements that have powers over the supernatural, this time around it's titanium and not obsidian. And the supernatural is not alien but something else entirely. Something divine.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Sunday, 11 October 2015
The Kindrily Series
Grasping At Eterntity (Book One)
4 starsDate Read
26/9/15Age Group
15+General Thoughts
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. So perfect I just can't-Breathe.
Ok. Let's start from the beginning. ..
The first time I glanced at this book I knew I had to read it. Soul mates ripped apart by a tragic mystery, secrets that torment souls and end lives, centuries of memories and supernatural abilities, protected by a green eyed daredevil that has loved her for ages.
I mean it was so perfectly exactly what I wanted to read that it was startling.
Yes, I am a sucker for tragic star crossed lovers and gorgeous green eyed soul mates suffering because the heroine. Just. Doesn't. remember.
Paper Towns
4 starsDate Read
17/9/15Age Group
15+General Thoughts
"It's beautifulIt's a paper town
Paper houses and paper people
Everything is uglier up close
Not you"
If I had to describe Mr. John Green in a word I would say he's very well-versed (does that count for two?). His words and jokes and innuendos are all very refined and sophisticated. For example the whole point of the book is paper towns. But what does paper town mean? It can mean several things, metaphorically always. And researching it after reading the book was very interesting and helped me understand a couple of inside jokes as well. For example do you know how Margo's dog was called? Marna Mountweasel. Very strange yes. Imagine my surprise upon finding out that it's a synonyme for paper towns...
The Winner's Trilogy (Book 2)
The Winner's Crime
5 stars+
Date Read
Age Group
15+General Thoughts
In the long free hours of the last summer days, what little was left of the holidays, I filled the gaps with school work, revision and exercises. I fumbled with everythimg and anything, was more productive than normal, straining to keep my hands off the book and at the same time dying to see how the story ends.
And at last, long aftet midnight a few days before my birthday, mind restless and going through all my favourite books and chapters and music lyrics that reminded me of them, I got up, went to my desk and finished the last few terribly intense and painful chapters. And now I can sleep. But not before writing this:
Chasing Mermaids
A touching read about the importance of letting your voice be heard and standing up for yourself. An interesting, melancholic protagonist with a story to tell, poetic words, but no voice. Not in the literal sense, anyway. Much like the well known fairy tale of the little mermaid, this mermaid does not have a voice. No fins either, just a great love for the sea and strong feelings of betrayal directed at the ocean, since it became the reason she lost her melodic voice.
Singing ripped out of her future, deams shredded and voice silenced, Elyse leaves her many sisters behind to come to the States, hoping for a new story, a plan B. There, with the support of her aunt Lemon, her cousin Kirby and Kirby's best friend Vanessa, and another summer occupant of the Cove, Christian, she learns to call the small coastal town she settled on home.
Singing ripped out of her future, deams shredded and voice silenced, Elyse leaves her many sisters behind to come to the States, hoping for a new story, a plan B. There, with the support of her aunt Lemon, her cousin Kirby and Kirby's best friend Vanessa, and another summer occupant of the Cove, Christian, she learns to call the small coastal town she settled on home.
The Winner's Trilogy (Book 1)
The Winner's Curse
5 stars+
Date Read
Age Group
15+General Thoughts
A day. Well essentially two, considering that reading this saw me trough the early hours of Wendsdnay morning as well. But I couldn't put it down. That might, in some extent, have something to do with the way it reminded me of An Ember in the Ashes, the inspiration from the Greco Roman period, the concept of hard, seemingly cold masters and defiant slaves spying on them, fighting for the freedom of their people. Turns out I have given up paranormal and switched to dystopian without even realizing it.Friday, 14 August 2015
An Ember In The Ashes
5 stars+ (!)Date Read
09/08/2015 - 10/08/2015
Age Group
General Thoughts
A page-turner.
Seriously, I even downloaded it on my phone so that I could read everywhere: bus stops, cars, beaches.
An Ember in the Ashes is an addictive read. Although dystopian, it hints at historic facts and, although there are several paranormal elements and out of this world creatures, the cruel realism leaves me breathless. Life wasn't easy for any of the characters. But as Nan would say "where there is life there is hope". And this book I couldn't for the life of me put down.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Precious Stone Trilogy (Book 1)
Ruby Red
4 stars+Date Read
06/08/2015 - 08/08/2015
13+Age Group
General Thoughts
I like secrets. Although I can't really keep any... I also like complicated. Mysteries that don't clear up in the first book but leave clues all over, small, almost indetecteble, that everyone can interprete differently. Like the mystery surrounding Lucy and Paul.
Gemstones, magic, time travel, counts, secret societies, mystery mongers and a lot of scientists trying to make sense of it all. A chronograph, the blood of twelve. A girl who knows very little and a cousin who knows it all. A powerful secret. A genious author. A marvellous story.
And a gorgeous cover I mean look at that!
2 starsDate Read
18/07/2015 - 04/08/2015
13+Age Group
General Thoughts
I was almost contemplating not writing a review. It's not that it was that bad, but it wasn't that good either. Hence the two stars. The first half was difficult to get through. The writer was trying way too hard, the dialogues were unrealistic, the characters unbelievable and the plot nonexistant.The only reason I kept reading is because it's summer, I was feeling lenient and my friend had lended me a hardback so I might as well make the most of it. But if it wasn't for basking in the hot sunlight, trying to occupy myself with something else than tv series and wanting to read a book with paper pages for a change -because, as you know:
- I wouldn't be writing this now.
Monday, 20 July 2015
Love, Rosie
Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
4 stars+Date Read
01/07/2015 - 15/07/2015
14+Age Group
General Thoughts
I got goose bumbs reading the epilogue. My back ached from the two hour ride in the bus, back to London from Oxford, my throat was dry and my legs had fallen asleep. But I didn't feel that lump in my throat anymore, the feeling I got throughout the book about all those chances lost, all that time wasted, all those dreams broken to pecies. I believed my mother, as she had told me once that some times moments count more than years.
Shadows (Book 4)
Burn by Paula Weston
5 stars+++Date Read
15+Age Group
General thoughts
The curtain falls for the rephaim series with a grande finale, wonderful and captivating. All the questions from the past three books are finally answered, the mysteries unravelling, the mist rising to reveal a forgotten past.
Aren't I feeling poetic today.
In this final installment we learn all that Gabe had been forced to forget but finally remembers. In long chapters between the Now, the author describes the Then; what happened eleven years ago to tear the twins apart and make Gaby -who back then was Gabe- stay at the sanctuary while her brother Jude and -insert swooning here- Rafa leave with the Outcasts; what happened a year ago to bring the twins back together, what happened with Dani that ended with them heavily injured with distorted memories living in different sides of the world.
It's a book worth reading, a series worth obsessing over, characters worth falling in love with.
Go read Shadows right now!!!
Aren't I feeling poetic today.
In this final installment we learn all that Gabe had been forced to forget but finally remembers. In long chapters between the Now, the author describes the Then; what happened eleven years ago to tear the twins apart and make Gaby -who back then was Gabe- stay at the sanctuary while her brother Jude and -insert swooning here- Rafa leave with the Outcasts; what happened a year ago to bring the twins back together, what happened with Dani that ended with them heavily injured with distorted memories living in different sides of the world.
It's a book worth reading, a series worth obsessing over, characters worth falling in love with.
Go read Shadows right now!!!
Aggie Pearson
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Monday, 1 June 2015
Beauty by Robin McKinley
3 stars+
Date Read
28.5.15 - 1.6.15
Age Group
General Thoughts
Monday, 11 May 2015
The Divergent Trilogy
Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant
Dates Read
Book 1: Sometime last summer
Book 2: 17.4.15 - 21.4.15
Book 3: 1.5.15 - 10.5.15
Book 3: 1.5.15 - 10.5.15

General Thoughts
I was halfway through the first book when the movie came to the theaters. So I watched it. And it hooked me almost as much as the book. It is Theo James we're talking about after all.
Divergent had it all: thought-through back story, ingenious plot-thickening, haunting romance and honest, sharp characters.
The Writing
Veronica Roth's writing is elegant, though simple, nonredundant (is that even a word?). Her language flows through the pages, easy to get lost into. She uses present tenses to talk through Tris which, unusual as it is, I've always found to be quite enjoyable.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
The Captive Series (Book Four)
Summary/ General Thoughts
In Captured Erica Stevens was following the GSG (guidelines set for books of this genre) a little too closely, as is to be expected of a first book in a series.
Renegade was a couple finding their way back to each other. Cute and fun and all, but not as captivating (pun intended).
Refugee left something to be desired, with the best part being the ending.
Finally, Salvation made up for every dull chapter and lack of actual plot its prequels suffered from. In fact, in it's action-packed, passion-filled pages, it manages to surpass even Captured. And rightly so, considering that the first book was like every other paranormal romance with a headstrong girl and a dangerous vampire for main characters, while this one gave the author a chance to improvise.
The Captive Series (Book Three)
3 stars +
3 stars +
Date Read
3/6/15 - 6/6/15Age Group
Summary/ General Thoughts
Omg. The ending was just.... Wow. OK. Didn't expect that.Aria and Braith and William and Ashby go into a search for powerful exiled vampire aristocrats to form alliances with for the upcoming war.
After a few boring chapters in the Barrens - something of a desert in the dystopian world, a place that civilisation has abandoned - we finally get to meet Gideon, an eccentric used-to-be noble that, after being exiled for having teamed up with the losing side (aka the him race) found shelter in these lands and created a city where vampires and humans lived together, unafraid.
Friday, 27 March 2015
The Captive Series (Book Two)
Date read: 23.03.15 - 26.03.15
Summary/ General Thoughts
Satisfying? Not quite. Going after the next one in the series? No doubt.
In the second book of the Captive series Braith, after a lengthy swim in the darkest abyss of his character, finally couldn't resist going after Aria. Although all of us here knew that was only a matter of time.
After he sees her again and they make amends, clearing up the misunderstanding that taunted the relationship, we're back to the couple-against-the-world storyline.
The Captive Series (Book One)
Summary/ General Thoughts
Since they've won the war, vampires have ruled mercilesly, diminishing humans to living blood bags. Some humans chose to become loyal to them, becoming their servants in exchange for a place within the city walls. The rest were banished to the woods, to live like primals, never giving up their loyalties to their own race, the human race, and forever plotting their enemy's demise.
Having grown up in the woods with her father, the leader of the rebels, and her two brothers, Arianna has been taught to hate the vampires and everything the stand for.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
More Reviews Soon!
Hi there!
I know it's been a while since I last uploaded a review. It's not that I have given up on trying to keep a blog. It's just that after one too many paranormal romance novels I feel that I have exhausted the subject... Especially after a few recent disappointements in awfully-packed-with-clichés paranormal books -see Falling Under &c- I have decided to re-evaluate my stance toward books and obsession with certain genres (parnormal romance & paranormal romance...).
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Towering by Alex Flinn
3 stars-
Date Read
9.1.15 - 13.1.15
Age Group
General Thoughts
What a gorgeous cover indeed...
Towering, a modern retelling of Rapunzel, is a book written by Alex Flinn, an author with whom I had an obsession with through the ages of twelve to thirteen.
Towering, a modern retelling of Rapunzel, is a book written by Alex Flinn, an author with whom I had an obsession with through the ages of twelve to thirteen.
I finished this book just yesterday and, honestly, the details are already slipping through my mind and moving out of reach.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Existence, Predestined & Ceaseless
Existence (Book 1)
Sufficiently developed characters. Easy-to-relate-to narrator (Pagan). Delicious relationships between protagonists. Thought-through plot. Interesting back-story.
Existence was exactly my cup of tea. Although calling a book about Death "a cup of tea" is an interesting way to put it...
Before you run away from that gruesome comment read a summary of the book here.
And let me tell you: it is quiet difficult not to swoon over Death.
Predestined (Book 2)
The Existence Trilogy
5 stars+
Date Read
5.1.15 - 8.1.15
Age Group
14+Main Characters
Where to begin? Dank is sweet, kind, loving, possessive, aggressive, selfless and selfish. He is also lethal. Literally. He is Death. A Deity around since the beginning of time, with sole companion the souls he collects, without the ability to feel petty human emotions. Until he meets...
Pagan never once felt like a Mary-Sue... Okay, maybe once. Anyway, she is stubborn, understanding, compassionate, honest, mature and polite. She almost deserves him. After he meets her, she becomes Dank's whole existence.
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