Monday, 20 July 2015

Love, Rosie

Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern


4 stars+

Date Read

01/07/2015 - 15/07/2015

Age Group


General Thoughts

I got goose bumbs reading the epilogue. My back ached from the two hour ride in the bus, back to London from Oxford, my throat was dry and my legs had fallen asleep. But I didn't feel that lump in my throat anymore, the feeling I got throughout the book about all those chances lost, all that time wasted, all those dreams broken to pecies. I believed my mother, as she had told me once that some times moments count more than years.

The Assassin's Curse (Book 0.5)

The Witch's Betrayal by Cassandra Rose Clarke 

Date Read


Age Group


General thoughts

The witch's betrayal is a short story' shedding light onto Naji's past and the life changing moment that scarred him permanently, left him disfigured, looking like, as he would put it, a monster.

The Assassin's Curse (Book 2)

The Pirate's Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke 


4 stars

Date Read

28/6/2015 - 29/6/2015

Age Group


General thoughts

Damn, I really should stop reading if it feels like this every time I finish a series.

The Assassin's Curse (Book 1)

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke


3 stars+

Date Read

23/6/15 - 26/6/15

Age Group


General thoughts


Pretty cover, pretty characters. Quick, fun. A summer read.

Shadows (Book 4)

Burn by Paula Weston


5 stars+++

Date Read


Age Group


General thoughts

The curtain falls for the rephaim series with a grande finale, wonderful and captivating. All the questions from the past three books are finally answered, the mysteries unravelling, the mist rising to reveal a forgotten past.

Aren't I feeling poetic today.

In this final installment we learn all that Gabe had been forced to forget but finally remembers. In long chapters between the Now, the author describes the Then; what happened eleven years ago to tear the twins apart and make Gaby -who back then was Gabe- stay at the sanctuary while her brother Jude and -insert swooning here- Rafa leave with the Outcasts; what happened a year ago to bring the twins back together, what happened with Dani that ended with them heavily injured with distorted memories living in different sides of the world.

It's a book worth reading, a series worth obsessing over, characters worth falling in love with.

Go read Shadows right now!!!

Aggie Pearson

Shadows (Book 3)

Shimmer by Paula Weston


5 stars+

Date Read

17/06/15 - 19/6/15

Age Group


General thoughts

How did Paula pull off a book where the love interest wasn't even there for the romance but, instead, was away, abducted by demons, for half the book?


Shadows (Book 2)

Haze by Paula Weston


5 stars+

Date Read

05/6/15 - 10/6/15

Age Group


General thoughts

Can the second book ever be like the first one? Just as good? Like you never moved on, like it's not the next installment but more pages of the previous one?